We are an interdisciplinary research group interested in large-scale ecological, evolutionary and biogeochemical phenomena in the oceans. Our primary goal is to understand and anticipate the effects of climate change on marine organisms, specifically phytoplankton using a combination of theoretical and data-driven models, remote-sensed, field and laboratory data, and the fossil record.
Researchers in our lab particpate in several large collaborative research projects: Computational Biogeochemical Modeling of Marine Ecosystems (CBIOMES), Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology - Gradients (SCOPE-Gradients), and North West Atlantic Biological Carbon Pump (NWA-BCP).
The MMaB Lab is located at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Members are affiliated with Oceanography and the Mathematics and Statistics departments. We are members of the Statistical Ecology Lab - SEaDAL at Dalhousie University. The lab was located at and generously supported by Mount Allison University from 2004-2018.
We thank NSERC, CRC, NBIF, CFI, Mount Allison University, Dalhousie University, OFI, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Simons Foundation, Ace-net, NASA, MITACS, and the Marjorie Young Bell foundation for generous support of our research programs.